Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Holiday On Wednesday

At the end of a eventful day John and Adrian decided to go to Anne's snack bar where you can allegedly get the best burgers in ATL. It is a very traditional place with firm and slightly bizarre rules (http://atlanta.citysearch.com/profile/11469935#profileTab-reviews) and you can regard yourself to be successful if you are not getting kicked out. However I had to wait outside for almost two hours (there are only eight seats) while the two young gentleman dined inside. To document my situation for further reference I made this self portrait with A&J in the background happily munching away. (To be fair I also have to mention that they apologised afterwards and gave me a vegan t-shirt as a present.)

John and Adrian having a good time having breakfast in the Stone Soup Kitchen (http://www.stonesoupkitchen.net/). I could not take part in their silly attics as I was busy wolfing down my blueberry pancakes.

John and I took Wednesday off in order to keep Adrian some company. We visited the Martin Luther King Memorial Site (http://www.nps.gov/malu/) and spend an interesting time in the museum where we also watched a film about MLK's life. I found this even more impressive after living very close to "Sweet Auburn" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_Auburn) the historic area where MLK grew up.

1 comment:

Hutch said...

The Ann's Snack Bar episode was definitely a low point in my hosting services - sorry Sharms!