Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Party on Kensington Rooftop

Lady Sharms knockin' back a true American staple....

Above we see Jessica decked out in full Coke/Bud regalia, with the classic stars and stripes cupcake!

Atlanta pig roaster John Malone (pictured above) threw a great party on the roof deck in swanky South Kensington.

The nightime view from the roof looking west.


Tamms said...

Love the 4th party highlights! Awesome to celebrate in the country that tied us to their non-representing parlimentary ways! G & I missed spending the 4th with you guys... may have been the 1st time in like 8 years :(

genesse said...

We missed you guys too! At one point I remember thinking to myself...right about now we should be having a pool party! It was fun at this rooftop party though, and as we looked out we could actually see some others celebrating the 4th on their rooftops too.