Friday, July 17, 2009

Fave Pix, Part One

Just prior to my departure for London, my father gave me his Leica C-Lux2 digital camera.  (Thanks, Dad!)  Rather than sifting through the entire 112-page manual for the camera, I chose instead to begin snapping away.  The law of averages being a wonderful thing, a handful of these came out to my liking, so I thought I'd post a few here.

This first shot was taken at the rooftop 4th of July barbecue in Knightsbridge, described elsewhere on this blog.  If you look very carefully in the distance, you'll see ANOTHER rooftop 4th of July barbecue going on simultaneously.  I like the one reveler who is waving eagerly to her fellow revelers down the street ....

The second shot was taken at Primrose Hill on the same afternoon described in the "London Parks" entry below.  I think something about it captures the mellow vibe of the day:

This next one is a sentimental favorite because it features my friend Walter (far right) and his wife Shannon (far left), who live in London's Chiswick neighborhood (pronounced "Chizzick").  I had not seen Walter for more than 15 years prior to this night, and I had a wonderful time catching up with him and getting to know Shannon.  We dined at The Roebuck (, a charming gastropub in their neighborhood.

Finally, here's a shot from a display featuring Meissen porcelain (, taken at the Victoria and Albert Museum ( may have eclipsed the Tate Modern as my favorite London museum.  I'm not sure what's going on with this pair, but it seems vaguely naughty:

More pictures to come later ....

1 comment:

Hutch said...

Great posts James - that camera takes great photos.