Posting from the club....
[following up on this later when its easier to type. The Budos Band has some of the musicians from Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings (who also played on Amy Winehouse's Back to Black) and some other players from Staten Island, NY. It was a no nonsense set - not too much variance from their record, but very solid and powerful. After them, Antibalas played a more experimental and atmospheric set, which I actually enjoyed more.
I really appreciate the set times for shows in London. Budos went on at 8:30, and Antibalas went on around 10pm, if I had to guess. There is none of that waiting around forever before the band begins so common in the States.
This place, the Jazz Cafe, is a fantastic venue. You may not be able to see it from this photo (which is unfortunately dark) but there is a second level where they serve food. Its more expensive than the floor price, but if you get a seat right on the edge I think it would be worth it. The floor tickets were about $50 a piece, and the upstairs were something like $70 each. Beers were around $7 a piece. NOT a cheap night out!]