Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Vespa DK

There are not as many scooters in Copenhagen as there are in London
(the Danes prefer bicycles, for which they have special lanes) but I
did see a few choice vintage ones. This Vespa GS struck me with its
unusual two tone color combo and the soft worn leather saddle seats.

I'm curious how it would handle on these coblestone streets.


genesse said...

That looks really sweet...

MsDallie said...

Love the dual seats instead of 'banana' style! No third person though! (You ever tried that on yours?)

Hutch said...

I have not tried three on mine. But I did have Gary and Tamara on a customized three seater in St. George Island, Florida. I'll let them tell you how that ended!

Tamms said...

Ummm yeah... rather not re-live the flip and bruise incident :)
It was fun before the flip though...