Sunday, May 4, 2008

Pub Golfers

These guys identified themselves as Pub Golfers... I never saw them
swing the club but they sure looked the part. They asked me to join
their gang based on my cap alone!


Unknown said...

It just dawned on me that you've been able to use very few words to give context and character to all your pictures. Jen must be very proud.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a rowdy bunch!
You're bound to come out a sweater vest shy after a run in with these guys in a dark alley.
Hutch, have you indulged in a Pimm's Cup yet? They sure are tasty.


Unknown said...

Pimm's Cup is actually the name of one of CJones's songs. I used to have these awesome Pimm's cup glasses made by the makers of the alcohol. They did not go well with college.

Hutch said...

Hey Samira - good to hear from you. I think about you everytime Black Angles comes up on my ipod!

I have not had any Pimm's yet this year, but I've been told the Pimm's season starts around June, or so, at which point it will flow everywhere. Looking forward to that!

I did make an impression over the weekend with my Margaritas (actually, to be fair, its J-lo's receipe). Its not a drink they do over here very often, and it was very expensive to get all the ingredience, but I did serve up some proper ones at this bar-b-que I went to on Saturday, and they were a it. They drank thru the bottle of tequila and grand marnier within about an hour....

Anonymous said...

I just listened to the Pimm's Cup track for the first time. Very cool tune!

I don't know if you'll be back by then but the Angels are coming around in early July, which I'm psyched about.

Glad your margaritas went down smoothly. Maybe we should celebrate CJ's 4th release with a drinks around the world party.

Hutch said...

I am coming back on the 5th of July, so maybe I'll be able to see the Angels... they are bad-ass!

I plan on strutting around London on the 4th of July dressed as George Washington and barking "no taxation without representation" and "don't tread on me"!

That'll win me some new friends here!

Unknown said...

At least the health care you get after being beaten up will be free


sonofjaguare said...

pork loin

Hutch said...

To Anne's comment, I suspect your countrymen would correctly classify such actions as the ravings of just another maniac, and properly ignore me....

MsDallie said...

Will you wear that outfit again when you return here? I'd like to see. :-)

Hutch said...

Sure, if I can get the outfit through US customs!