Friday, March 20, 2009

High Museum After Work

On Thursday after work Hutch and I went to the Atlanta High Museum of Art ( Here I am pictured with a strange house which changes its perspective all the time but unfortunately this is kind of difficult to show on a photo. As it was late we did not have much time but I saw some interesting American Folk Art. Apparently the Atlanta High Musem of Art is the only one in the US to have a special department for folk and self-taught art. I hope my very tight schedule will allow another visit. Also the Chinese Terracotta Army is in the museum at the moment and by incident I had seen that in the British Museum already. The exhibition had been a little bit disappointing because I had expected the Terracotta Army to be there but there were only a couple of soldiers and it was more an exhibition about the Army and its history rather than the Army actually being there. Probably a misunderstanding on my side.

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